For Investors and Advisors
Active and aspiring investors and advisors may find like-minded aspirations amongst us, and we may invest, advise and support one another to create value in our investments, economy, and our next generation.
Picking the Winners
Through a network of VCs, investors and members, we methodically identify, assess and select young founders and companies with potential. We focus on those that either possess strong fundamentals and business models, or those that will revolutionalise the ways people live, work and play.
Partnering with Members
Through a panel of dedicated advisors, members will support one another with their knowledge, network and resources. This collective strength and wisdom will elevate the potential of young companies and founders, and further develop like-mindedness and camaraderie spirit among the Members.
Contributing to the Future
We are driven by our desire to contribute and to make a difference. Our Members aspire to value-add to young founders, young businesses and the development of our innovation economy. We sincerely seek to contribute to the economical stronghold of our country, our home and our future generation.
For Young Companies
Young founders with integrity, authenticity and drive, who aspire to build businesses of fundamental or revolutionary value, will find Kingmakers amongst us, who will support you to build your success and legacy.
“Vitki” means “Kingmakers“. We desire to elevate your potential, but we are mindful that it is your pedestal and your show. Aspiring founders with the right conviction are naturally authentic and driven. There may be bountiful of ideas and alternate perspectives. While debates will bring out the best directions, it is your businesses to run, and your decisions to make.
We used to call ourselves “Sorcerers“. We weave magic for young companies, and source our unparalleled network and resources to enable your success. We like to have skin in the game. Hence, we seek to invest and advise, and to co-execute alongside you for your Go-To-Market (GTM) and corporate development objectives via our Advisors and GTM platforms.
Our Members are established and credible senior executives from different industries and domains. We are interested in the defense and security, health and medical, and financial and capital markets businesses. Through dedicated Advisors and proprietary owned GTM platforms, we will add colors and excitement to your businesses!